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Resources: Youth Dating Violence Prevention

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Far From The Heart provides the following resources about the issues of teenage dating abuse and violence for youth.

1. Need Help Right Now?
  • Kids Help Phone: Toll-free, 24 hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counseling - 1-800-668-6868

  • Bro-Talk A support zone for teen guys with information about life, school, dating, sex, and mental health. They offer toll-free 24 hour phone counselling and chat counselling during specific hours.

  • Wes For Youth Online Counselling offers resource links and online counselling.

  • Love Is Respect: The American Dating Abuse Hotline has information about dating, abuse, sexting, safety planning, and more. Note: They only provide counselling for people within the United States.

  • Teen Power and Control Wheel is a tool that helps explain the different ways an abusive partner can use power and control to manipulate a relationship.

2. Resources for Youth
  • Teen Health Source is a resource by Planned Parenthood Toronto with information about sex, sexuality, gender identity, and relationships.

  • Scarleteen: Sex Education for the Real World has inclusive, comprehensive, supportive sexuality and relationships info for teens and emerging adults.

  • Rookie Magazine is an independently run online magazine featuring writing, photography, and other forms of artwork inspired by real life and made by and for teenagers.

  • Planned Parenthood Toronto offers resources about sex, sexuality, gender, and relationships.

  • Planned Parenthood Regina offers information about sexual health and dating rights.

  • Bro-talk is a service by Kids Help Phone specifically targeted to teen guys with information about mental health, sex, and relationships. It also offers phone and chat counselling services.

  • has resources to help teens identify and prevent digital dating abuse. Features videos, quizzes, FAQ's, and more

  • A Thin Line is an American resource with information about digital abuse.

  • Mind Your is an award-winning site for youth by youth. It is a place where you can get information, resources, and the tools to help you manage stress, crisis, and mental health problems. It features games, celebrity interviews, featured issues that are updated often, as well as a link where you can contribute personal stories.

  Tools to Change the World
  • Youth Activist's Toolkit by Advocates for Youth includes instructions and plans to help you organize your community to create positive change

  • Change the World By Having Fun the YWCA Youth Civic Engagement Toolkit is written for young women and will help you develop the skills to become a positive leader and organizer in your community.

3. Resources for Educators, Parents, and Community Organizers
4. Resources for Everyone
  • Sexuality and provides comprehensive sexual health information with resources for individuals as well as parents and teachers

  • Sexual Assault by the Ontario Coaliton of Rape Crisis Centres contains resources for survivors, teens, parents, and service providers.

  • Sex is a Canadian sexual abuse resources website that includes information on psychological healing, sexual assault lawsuits, important statistics, and other facts.

  • Steps You Can Take to Prevent a Sexual Assault provides bystander intervention techniques from RAINN.

  • Break the Cycle is an American based website that will tell you more about dating violence, how to recognize it, what you can do, how you can help, and includes resources to help start a movement to prevent it

  • METRAC will provide tools to build safety, justice and equity in your life, work, school and neighbourhood.

  • Violence Prevention Grey Bruce is a coordinating committee of service providers in Grey Bruce

  • Sexual Assault Care Centre Scarborough provides information on sexual assault, rape, myths and facts, sexual assault laws and resources, as well as a link where a person can contribute their own poems, personal reflections or artwork.

  • Project Respect is a group of youth and adults from British Columbia who work together to prevent sexualized violence. The focus of the web page is especially on date rape and there are many cool links with information about it, definitions, and statisticss. They cover topics including gender scripts, sex, drugs and alcohol, yes means yes, coercion, who's got the power, sex rights, how to help a friend, and how to get help for yourself. There are also quizzes to rate your relationship and to test your sexual knowledge.

  • Cyberbullying, Sexting, and the Law provides the Department of Justice's Canadian legal perspective on cyberbullying and the non-consensual distribution of intimate images.

5. Informative and Interesting Articles

More resources are available in our research document Far From the Heart: Report on the Effectiveness of Forum Theatre as an Educational Tool regarding Youth Dating Violence and Sexual Assault in Saskatchewan Schools, 2012Download pdf File

“I love what you’re doing... using entertainment in an intelligent way to make a real difference to the lives of young people.”

– Adite Banerjie


Contact us if you know of other resources we should be including about preventing dating abuse, sexual assault and date rape or to share your thoughts and feedback.